Daijing Plan is passed, causing wars with Protrichska

Written by Hengu Kol-Cheng - 3461/34/05

Tshozashy, Protrichska - Highina has started a war with Protrichska due to the president, Qin Cheng Ding wanting Highina to border Swuna. The Highinese government set out a war plan named the "Daijing Plan" to border Swuna. The big wildfire is also put out, finally, to give you a reminder.

A total of 50,000 Highinese soldiers had been ended or captured, while 1,900,000 Protrichskan soldiers had been ended or captured. Also, North Swunian forces helped and only 5,000 were ended.

Because of this, Protrichska has cut aid to poor Highinese communities, cut trade and political ties. Also because of this, Highina is planning a invasion on Protrichska with their 20 million soldiers compared to Protrichska's 5 million with a future war plan named "Daijing-Saint Squaresburg Takeover". Alright, let's get on-topic, shall we? More than 1,000,000 civilians were ended by both sides, but most (600,000) come from Highina. Also, 20,000 buildings and 3 areas that are considered a tourist destination, had been destroyed. This is Hengu, have a saddening day, unfortunately.