Squarelandia launches their first rocket

Written by Squarey Squarno - 34/01/3461

Novifindi, Squarelandia - Multiple Squarelandians were working on a rocket named Ultimatum-1. One Squarelandian, who was working on the project said that the rocket should "go well". before the rocket launched off. The Squarelandian astronauts were joined by Squaretown's Squa Famla and Squaren Squna and Kuskan's Squang Sanchez. The owner who built the rocket, Squarelandian Space Adminstration, said the rocket should go to Squas successfully.

Later that day, the SSA said they went to Squas successfully. This lead people to think that the Squas colonization is going to happen now and started a lot of memes about the colonization. Squarunel Gonzalez, the president of the SSA said that "the Squas colonization is still ongoing. The population of Squas is now 400. If we successfully colonize this planet, then the population will be 60,000 and start the new life there.". This is Squarey Squarno, end of message.